
When It Was Gone

Before It Was Gone

He was slipping in life and losing traction.

He prayed for happiness, if only a fraction.

He discovered her by complete accident.

He savored every single interaction.

He eventually acted on his immense attraction.

He was elated to find out about her reaction.

Until It Was Gone

I loved you with every single bit of my heart.

I gave you my all, every little part.

I don’t know why this pain would start.

I can’t imagine us being apart.

I beg for you to stay my sweetheart.

After It Was Gone

Love is the world’s most difficult subject.

It brings joy beyond what one can expect.

But when love is left holy unchecked,

The consequences have a grave effect.

Don’t get caught up in what is “perfect”

For the greatest pain caused by love .

Since It Was Gone

Didn’t love it until it left me,

Didn’t realize it until it was gone.

The Candle

The candle is expensive and messy,

Its fire shines like Elvis Presley.

But my led light is always brighter.

On a heavy metal container sits the candle,

With its sturdy base and exquisite handle.

But my led light is cheaper and lighter.

The candle burns with an inconstant flame,

No level of light ever stays the same.

But my led light never gets tired,

Eventually the candle’s light comes to a flicker,

For its burning life ends much quicker.

But my led light does not run on fire.

Both illuminate with an incredible glow,

But only in death do one’s beauty show.

Peaceful Liberation

A cold night with clouds that cover the sky,

The moon and stars hide behind their curtain and fail to glisten,

The rain trickles down like tears when you cry,

They tap on the window and drown out everything as I listen

Each second and minute passes on by,

Up ahead I spot a bridge looming in the distance.

My thoughts begin to float and to fly,

As I approach it I am reminded of your existence.

Moments away from crossing my whole world slows,

I drive under and the rain stops without a sound.

I turn my lights off and there is only a silent darkness.

Suddenly you appear in my mind and begin to glow,

An angel in front of me rising from the ground.

Running through my thoughts and making me heartless.

I cannot see nor hear anymore

Finally my body and soul are at ease,

I finally see you standing at my love’s door

And in the moment offer me a semblance of peace.     


As the sun dipped beneath the horizon,

The bright day was drawing near its end.

We were prepared to go to bed,

But I desperately wanted to prolong our day.

I thought about the troubles of the day,

As well as the fun moments we shared.

I did not want this to ever end,

But the dark knight urged me to sleep.

You stood longing for another waking moment,

Trying to postpone the inevitable.

While the light still shines you are beautiful,

Because I cannot see you when I close my eyes.

We spent our day wandering around,

Completing our mundane routine.

These last waking moments make me realize,

How wonderful a day it was.

By Myself

Climbing a mountain that never ends,

I get rid of weight in order to ascend.

After the peak I begin to descend,

With no one to provide help or attend.

I am sorry my friend,

For only now do I  comprehend.

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